When working on plumbing systems, the right pipe plug is crucial for ensuring efficiency and safety. Whether you're testing, isolating, or temporarily closing a pipe, selecting the correct plug can prevent leaks, bursts, and system failures.
Types of Plumbing Pipe Plugs
Two common types of plumbing pipe plugs are blocking plugs and bypass plugs, each with specific uses:
Blocking Plugs
These are used to stop the flow of water or other fluids during maintenance or testing. Blocking plugs are versatile and can effectively seal various types of pipes, including out-of-round ones that lack perfect roundness. Typically made of natural rubber, these plugs are known for their superior sealing properties and excellent expansion and memory capabilities.
Cherne offers a variety of plumbing blocking plugs designed for different applications in testing and sealing drain, waste, and vent (DWV) systems. These plugs include:

- Test-Ball® Plugs: These expandable rubber plugs can seal any type of pipe, including those that are out of round. Available in single-size, multi-size, and long versions, they provide flexibility depending on the pipe size and access requirements.

- Gripper® Plugs: These mechanical plugs include the Clean-Out Gripper®, Econ-O-Grip®, End-Of-Pipe Gripper®, and Inside-Of-Pipe Gripper®. They are designed to provide a strong grip inside the pipe, making them ideal for temporary or permanent sealing.

- Specialized Plugs: Cherne also offers specialty plugs like the Kwik 'N Sure®, Test-Kap, and Mechanical Cleanout Plugs, each suited for specific plumbing tasks, including sealing and testing different pipe types under various conditions.
Bypass Plugs
Plumbing bypass plugs are specifically designed to temporarily stop or redirect the flow of water or other fluids. They are typically used in situations where certain sections of the plumbing system need to be isolated or bypassed for maintenance, repairs, or testing purposes.
Cherne offers several types, each designed to facilitate testing and maintenance tasks by allowing flow through the pipe while the plug is in place.
Muni-Ball® Bypass Plugs
- Single-Size Muni-Ball® Plugs: These plugs, available in a range of sizes, are used for blocking and bypassing in residential or commercial piping systems. They feature a full bypass that allows for continuous flow and monitoring during system maintenance.
- Multi-Size Muni-Ball® Plugs: These versatile plugs can accommodate different pipe sizes within a specific range. They also include a full bypass, making them suitable for a variety of applications where testing and monitoring are required.

How to Choose the Right Plumbing Pipe Plug
Here’s how to ensure you pick the correct pipe plug for your needs:

- Match the pipe size: Ensure the plug fits your pipe’s inside diameter (ID) by using Cherne’s sizing charts. First and foremost, ensure the plug is made to fit your pipe’s inside diameter (ID). Pipe sizes are standardized, so match the plug’s stated size range to your pipe’s ID. Pipe plugs have a minimum and maximum sealing size range. An undersized plug won’t seal, and an oversized one is a safety hazard. Ensure that the plug you choose is compatible with the pipe size you are working with.
While some plugs may be compatible with multiple pipe sizes, it is essential to ensure they are used only on pipe whose diameter falls within the specified range. Refer to the pipe plug manufacturer’s detailed sizing charts to pick the appropriate size range, or contact them for further assistance.

- Know the system type: Choose a plug designed for the system you’re working on, whether it’s a DWV (drain, waste, and vent) or a water supply system. Some plugs may have features tailored to the requirements of a particular system. For example, water supply plugs have higher pressure ratings and are designed to provide a secure seal for testing purposes. Ensure that the pipe plug you choose is specifically designed for the type of system you are working with to ensure optimal performance.

- Understand the purpose: Select a plug that meets your specific needs, whether for testing, temporary blockage, repairs, or conducting sewer air tests. Each purpose may require different features or capabilities from a pipe plug. For example, if you run tests on a DWV system, you do not need a plug with a high-pressure rating. A lower-pressure rated plug will ensure a reliable seal. Evaluate the specific purpose you have in mind and select a pipe plug that is designed to meet those requirements.
- Consider ease of use: Based on your experience level and available tools, opt for plugs that are easy to install and remove. Some may require additional tools for installation, while others can be easily installed or removed by hand. Assess your level of experience and the resources available to you. Choose a pipe plug that aligns with the ease of use that is most convenient for your plumbing project.
- Match the pressure rating: Always select a plug that is rated for the pressure level of your system to avoid potential hazards. Pipe plugs are rated for maximum back pressure thresholds. Always choose a plug rated more than the system pressure you need to contain. Exceeding the pressure rating risks the plug blowing out, causing safety hazards and system damage. When in doubt, choose a higher-rated plug.
Whether you are using a plug for testing, maintenance, or repair, using the appropriate plug for your application is essential.
Check out the Cherne Plug Selector Tool to find the correct plug for your job in a few easy steps.
Caring for Your Plumbing Pipe Plugs
Proper care and storage of pipe plugs are essential for their longevity. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, and clean them after use in dirty environments. Investing in the right pipe plug saves time, prevents costly leaks, and ensures your plumbing system runs smoothly.